In engineering, I believe

I'm Saravanan Rajendran.

Full Stack Developer Linux User Knowledge Engineer

More About Me

Let me introduce myself.

Profile Picture

I would describe myself as a full stack developer @ Motorq and a Deep learning enthusiast @ Home. I am trying to make a dent in the universe.


Important things about my daily life. Any other information on Need To Know Basis.

  • Fullname: Saravanan Rajendran
  • Birth Date: November 20, 1997
  • Job: Software Engineer @ Motorq
  • Email:


A comprehensive collection of my skillset

  • 85%
    React JS
  • 80%
    Node JS
  • 70%
  • 60%

More of my credentials.

I'm a Software Engineer at Motorq with previous work experience from Myntra. I have an U.G. degree in Information Technology from CEG, Anna University. My area of interest are Full stack development and research in knowledge representation.

Work Experience

Software Engineer

Dec 2021 - Present


I am scaling up and stabilizing the current distributed workflows in motorq.

Senior Software Engineer

April 2021 - Dec 2021

Myntra Designs

Worked in improving the traction of various features in the UI and therefore increasing the conversion. Improved the performance of Myntra's checkout flow.

Software Engineer

July 2019 - March 2021

Myntra Designs

Implemented a new payment flow to improve existing integration with third party payment gateways. Worked on multiple compliance projects.

BlockChain Developer (Intern)

May 2018 - July 2018

Samsung Research Institute Bangalore

I was a part of a three-member team. We worked on the POC which uses blockchain in IoT. I was assigned the task to maintain and configure the underlying architecture to support hyper ledger fabric framework.

Backend dev (Intern)

April 2017


MySwots is a platform where teachers can asses their students, improve their way of teaching and visualize the performance of their students. I have worked in small part of automating conversion of base64 image to a png image and linking it to the HTML and also I worked in an online notes taking application for that website.

Software Tester (Intern)

May 2017

National Informatics Centre (NIC)

I have implemented and tested an algorithm for load balancing to balance the load in MySQL Database server for National Informatics Center in C hennai for one month.For more details click this.


Chain of Trust

May 2018

BlockChain App

This was an app created to build trust between the code outsourcing company and the developer using hyperledger fabric. This project would force the developer to develope clean and good quality code and the deliver it on time. This also creates a transperancy between the customer and the developer.
Link to project

Code Logic

Dec 2017 - present

A program that code

  • This is project is a re-implementation of Deep coder by Microsoft and Cambridge.
  • It would generate the code for the given set of input-output lying in its domain.

  • Link to project

    Palm Replication

    Mar 2017 - May 2017

    Palm and finger replication

  • A python program that would extract the posture of the hand, by identifying the fingers straightened out.
  • Transfers the posture to the mechanical hand to be replicated.
  • This can be used to replicate hand motion in real time with little latency without any sensors

  • Link to project


    December 2016


    This is the collaborative work of myself and a team of 4 people. We have created this website for an event Named Xceed which is a part of Kurukshetra (My school's signature event).
    Follow this link to see that website


    August 2017

    System Monitor

    Conky is an system monitoring tool for LINUX, Which I have used to create this Unusal design to monitor your system's vitals.
    Follow this link to view my conky

    Happy Coding

    August 2017 - present


    So basically what this plugin can complie your program , find errors in it and provide you with the solution for your error from stack-overflow.You can get all these features with the press of a button (Under-construction :P)
    Follow this link to view my plugin


    Bachelor's Degree

    July 2015 - May 2019

    College of Engineering Guindy, Anna University

    I am an Undergrad in Information Science and Technology, graduated with 9.07 CGPA.

    I am Intersted In!

    Linux and open source projects.
    if ((computer vision and image data analysis) or Linux):
    count me in